This year I feel my progress has expanded and developed alot. I have learnt alot recently, especially surrounding collective identity. I have learnt about how individual identities are created through tastes and media influences for example what types of magazines and music a person listens to plays a huge influence on how a person's identity is created, shaped and portrayed. Collective identity can be created by aspects of a persons individual identity being similar to a group of other individuals for example same music tastes and fashions. Collective identity unites individuals and is a shared identity and ideologies by a group of people, Collective Identities can cause be the cause stereotypes of certain groups. Being or becoming part of a collective identity can link in to Maslow's hierachy of needs in which people need to feel a balance of the elements which create their individuality and their needs to feel accepted and fufilled as a human being emotionally and mentally.

Regional Identity is also very important to feel linked to a individuals heritage for example in class we watched a film about south waelian regional identity and demographic factors which create the ideologies, in this case unemployment and lack of jobs and the closure of the dockyards and factories causing a severe economic decline and the effects of this to regional identity behaviour and attitudes of the characters and how they percieve their own regional identity and how it shapes their own identites as individuals and as a whole collective identity for example in the film the characters seem unaware of their regional identity whilst taking the micky out of a traditional welsh hym however whilst referring to them self as welsh they feel their welsh identity is being taken away from them because of other ethnicities and cultures within their region.
We have also looked at how identities are much easier to shape edit and create through social networking sites anybody can create any type of identity they wish through personal information,images, videos and posts. New Media technologie such as hand held video camcordas and websites like YouTube have made it increasingly easy for anyone to become a media producer and showcase their work, this may also play a big part in creating identities and the types of consumers of a piece can create a collective identity for example band fan websites a collective identity through shared ideologies and identities in this case musical tastes.

... it's not the National Anthem .. it's a traditional Welsh Hymn!