Monday, 4 January 2010

Media + Collective identity

Because media technology is developing and progressing there are more ways to express collective identity and create ideologies and identity around the self through technologies like web and social networking sites for example sites like Facebook,Youtube,Blogger,IMDB and band appreciation webpages. Most people are exposed to the Media and have internet useage and this has enabled anyone and everyone to become a media consumer and producer. It is easy to upload and share videos and posts and broadcast them to the world without particuarly specialised equiptment. People can construct identities and collective identities and feel united through intrests and lifestyles, there are many websites that are exclusively designed for specific intrests which people can join and discuss creating a feel of a shared and collective identity.

Facebook, a social networking site allows users to express and participate in a collective identity of being a Facebook user, it allows users to have access to games, photos and add friends there are many applications and groups about causes and events which give the users a sense of togetherness and shared ideologies and intrests. Users feel a sense of shared identification within there "friends" on facebook, comments are shared on eachother's page which engage the users and make them feel connected and creates a collective identity. This links in with Foucault's technologies of the self in which we try to attain a state where we are happy and accepted. Facebook seeks to do this by friends, "liking" posts, comments and statuses and joining groups and even being invited to events. Users can create videos and post/share hyperlinks on facebook to be viewed by friends.

Youtube creates a collective identity for the user by creating a comment and rating system for audiences. It allows anybody to create a youtube account and upload videos, whether music or instructive and creates a collective identity for the audience and creator by linking similar videos it connects everybody through one media technology. Important global news and television highlights, for example football matches are broadcast on "Youtube" people can express their creativity through film making and work can become "followed" through ratings and groups created within Youtube. Audiences can save their favourite videos and watch them whenever they want to. Creative identities can be created through viewing statistics and common intrests within audiences and producers.

IMDB (Internet Movie DateBase) constructs a sense of collective identity through out users rating and commenting on films, audiences can watch films and read reviews. It creates a collective identity of people who are interested in the latest and classic films, users can share and view their opinions on films and find out further information about films. The website features a "community message board" and a "contributor zone", it lists top biography contributors and allows all to read them.

Blogger, allows its users to create a profile in which they share details about themselves and factors about their lives like intrests, hobbies and music tastes. Users choose to "follow" other users blog posts and comment on them. Blogger is about creating posts about them, their lives, causes their interested in. like other networking sites users can post pictures, videos and hyperlinks. It creates a collective identity by users following eachothers posts and analysing them, creating their own identities and topics of blog posting.

Band fan websites and tributes create a collective identity through one common intrest, most band fan websites include pictures, music previews, factfiles on the bands interviews and forums in which fans and users can interact about the band and comment on pictures, they have a collective identity and intrest in the band and share ideolgies and may link into eachother with other intrests for example fashion, ideologies and political views.


  1. Lovely introduction with good explaination of collective identity and how it has developed through new media technologies. Your work is very precise and to the point aswell. Although You could make this stronger by intergrating more theorists into your evaluations.

  2. Your post is precise and to the point which makes it easy to read through.

    You discuss the websites well, but a bit more theory needs to be integrated.

    All in all it is very good :)

  3. Well done on a well-structured, focused essay that stays on task without 'waffling'. A lack of applied theory weakens the overall quality of the essay, though the clear use of appropriate terminology relevant to each individual site shows a clear understanding of the subject sites.

  4. Well-structured :)
    good descussion points
    need more work on theories

  5. It reads really well Lara. The reader can tell that you knew what you were talking about when you wrote this and it wasn't difficult for you to write.

    You talked about general things very well and were thorough in your discussions. However you could meantion some theorists, adding some theories as Lee suggested.

    Well done Lara! ox
