Tuesday 23 March 2010

Media A2 courswork update

The group and I have finished filming part of our A2 coursework, a trailer for our film entitled "DriftWood". Driftwood is filmed with neo noir influences. Whilst in the planning stages of DriftWood, the group and i looked at films and trailers which portrayed similar aspects of our own idea' through factors like genre and style, one of the film trailers we analysed the most and influenced DriftWood the most was Ferris Bueller's Day Out.

The day of filming ran fairly smoothly, the conditions were okay for our film however it was a bit dark. We timed our filming slot well so as not to come in contact with any members of the public, and abstructing them or hindering our filming. This was one of our main concerns because the trailer was shot on a road which is constantly used by the public, this was avoided by shooting in the early hours of the morning when the group and I predicted we would make the least disturbances and the filming could run smoothly.

The filming process itself did not take as long as I or the group had originally anticipated which benefited us well. We managed to capture all the footage and shots we needed. We had a few issues with trying to acheive the right dolly shot. By trying different methods for example: placing the tripod on a skateboard and wheeling it backwards, and moving the tripod back manually.

Whilst analysing our first footage for the trailer as a group we felt our first section of filming was not completely what we had anticipated for,and the rest of my group felt they had not achieved as much out of it as they would have liked to, Personally I felt much more happier about it than I did last year whilst analysing the AS coursework exercise, Here is the AS coursework "RoadKill"

The link below is a taster section of un-edited footage from our current A2 coursework project "Driftwood" These are shots from the filming setting mentioned above which we hope to use and cut back and forth to other using shot reverse shot to convey the ironic converstation and the reality of charlie's feelings whilst on his own.

We have just finished filming a second part for our trailer about the main protagonists life. This seemed easier because it was filmed during the daytime and it was easier to monitor and control than the shoot at night.

We are currently in the position and process of analysing the footage and editing it using a different and more advanced software programme from the one we used in the AS and preliminary tasks. We are checking previous planning to check whether we have created the film (through the storyboards and google documents)we planned and looking at the aspects it has covered and how the trailer has changed from our first and initial ideas through conventions like mise en scene, editing, camera shots and sound.

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